Please be kind to your colleagues and complete this checklist after each class session
- Wind up whip & return whip to in the podium/designated location
- Replace Promethean stylus & eraser to original positions
- Make sure Promethean Panel source is set to the Podium/Classroom PC
- Make sure Promethean Panel volume is no greater than 50%
- Press power icon on Promethean Panel
- Log out of Podium/Classroom PC
- Power off microphone & plug in to designated silver micro USB cable (if applicable)
- Place camera system in standby (if applicable)
- Power off TVs & replace remote to original position (if applicable)
- Erase dry erase board (if applicable)
- Replace student desks/chairs/tables to original position
- Close podium top (if applicable)
- Clear off the top of podium (if applicable)
- Take your items stored inside the podium and/or classroom with you