Online Teaching Guidelines 

Guideline 1: Navigation Menu 

The navigation menu should have only information specific to the course enabled in settings for student view*:  

*All other elements necessary for the institution will be included in the course syllabus OR are only viewable as an instructor in the navigation menu 

Support Document(s):

Import RPCC Template into your course

Manage Course Navigation in Canvas

Guideline 2: The Home Page 

Edit the RPCC template homepage (do not use another home page) 

In addition, the instructor may add “Book Appointment” (office hours) with Booking Page link as a tab between "Start or Continue" and "Contact Instructor".

Support Document(s):

Microsoft Bookings Quick Start

Edit  "Book Appointment" link by adding your Booking Page 

Guideline 3: Course Format 

Must use modules in the following format: 

Support Document(s):

Edit a Module

Add a Module

Add a Page, Quiz, or other  Asset to a Module

Rich Content Editor in Pages, Discussions, and Quizzes

Copy a Page



Guideline 4: Accessibility

The RPCC course template assists with accessibility, but it is vital to utilize the Panorama scanner for files and content throughout a course. All courses should meet the following four requirements to meet ADA compliance and before being published to students:  

In addition, all links made available to students throughout the semester must be in proper working order, checked using the Canvas Course Link Validation tool. 

Guideline 5: Syllabus, Outcomes, Objectives, & Alignment 

Support Document(s):

Getting to the New Syllabus Tool

Link to the Bookstore for Syllabus Editing

Syllabus Onboarding Webinar

Syllabus  Faculty Responsibility Cheat Sheet

Activate New Syllabus Tool in Canvas

Sample  in New Syllabus Tool

Setting service hours in Microsoft Bookings for Office Hours

Guideline 6: Regular & Substantive Interaction (RSI) at RPCC 

In accordance with the Department of Education, guidance from higher education organizations (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies & NC-SARA), and consultation from RPCC faculty, the following is the guidance for Regular & Substantive Interaction for distance learning at RPCC.  

For 16-week courses: 

For 8-week courses: 

Support Document(s):

Microsoft Teams Meetings

Using the Canvas Inbox



Classic Quizzes

New Quizzes



Comment Library